'Organic Babies' enjoy strong endorsements from influential organisations (you'll have read about TIPS on other postings) - and this Summer we are really pleased to work alongside the UK's biggest parenting charity, NCT. If you read their regular magazine, please look out for the 'Organic Babies' Chamomile Baby Wash free with a copy coming soon, or browse our ranges in their online shop.
Earlier in the year some products in this range gained official certified status from The Fairtrade Foundation. 96% organic Soothing Baby Salve is rich in Omega-3&6 fatty acids essential for healthy skin. It is great for nappy rash and designed to provide quick relief for baby’s sensitive skin. 98% organic Nappy Cream Baby Balm is suitable for babies with nappy rash, and those particularly prone to eczema. Baby’s discomfort is eased by the healing affects of Zinc Oxide.
Ultimately, this means that parents can protect their baby’s skin at the same time as helping third world communities, and be reassured that those involved in the production of ingredients receive a fair price for their labour. (Fairtrade Shea Butter is packed with natural vitamins, and is a natural anti-inflammatory, and anti-irritant too).
Green People Founder, Charlotte Vøhtz explains,
'We have been developing certified organic baby products for over 13 years, and it has always been our mission to source ingredients that are 100% natural and organic and that are equally beneficial to the local growing communities ... We are delighted to work closely with the Fairtrade Foundation to recognize this commitment, and can offer parents baby care products which are just as good for the skin as they are for the livelihoods of the producers.'Pressie-wise, we heartily recommend the Mum and Baby Gift Box

We always like to note feedback about our pioneering all natural brand ‘Organic Babies’. Can we invite all fellow Bloggers, Mumtrepreneurs (is it true that these fabled creatures are at home, in class, at work and quite probably pregnant while also Blogging in just the one lifetime?) and, dear loyal customers to crack on share your product experiences with us? It is always great to hear from you all x
My own tip?
I don't have any kids so didn't initially think about buying into this range, however a tester fell magically into my hands, and before i knew it, i began using Lavender Salve on my rather grown-up knees, heels and elbows to keep the drier areas supple and youthful. The rapid results and deep moisturisation are a complete revelation, and it also give calves a model like sheen for those flipflop outings. Best of all - it lasts for an absolute age.