Tuesday 15 November 2011

Christmas - Tips to Reduce Stress Naturally

Christmas can be a very stressful time of the year so we at Green People have put together some tips to keep those stress levels down. If you feel like everything is getting on top of you, here are a few tips to beat those stress levels:

* Take a five minute break - go outside, flick through a magazine or have a power nap.
* Breathe slowly and deeply for a couple of minutes. Aim to do this several times a day.
* Eat a banana to boost your levels of the stress-busting hormone serotonin.
* Think of something funny. When you laugh you boost levels of endorphins ("feel good" chemicals) in your   body.
* Have a good stretch - raise your arms and stretch them over your head to relax a tense back and stiff shoulders.
* Hug a friend, cuddle your kids or kiss your partner.
* Focus your mind on a happy, memorable event in your life.

Do you have any tips to keep stress at bay?

Psssss...Green People have a great range of organic Christmas gifts that are great for friends, colleagues and loved ones. Order online for stress free shopping, we can even gift wrap them for you!

Make your Christmas a stress free one with Green People. x

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